Real Estate Brokerage, 8th Edition Textbook

This textbook goes with the Office Administration course.

Survival in the radically changing business environment of real estate brokerage requires sound management. This updated edition of Real Estate Brokerage: A Management Guide, will show you not only how to set up a sound business, but also how to make it flourish! Using a generally accepted business management model, this guidebook provides the five success steps to follow in establishing and keeping a brokerage on course.

Then after you've discovered how each function impacts a brokerage, the last unit of the book focuses on personal development as a manager -- how to be an effective leader, coach and communicator. Real Estate Brokerage: A Management Guide is your road map to success, designed to steer you through the challenges new and experienced brokers face in running their businesses.

CONTENTS: The Challenge of Change - Analyzing the Business Climate - Analyzing the Market - Developing a Plan - Structuring Your Organization - Structuring Your Business Systems - Structuring Your Finances - Business Policies and Procedures - Marketing and Advertising - Recruiting, Selecting and Hiring the Staff - Professional Development for Your Staff - Coaching Your Staff - Monitoring Your Operations - Managing Risk - Becoming a Leader - Developing as a Manager - Being a Communicator - Appendix - Glossary - Bibliography - Index.
